Friday, September 19, 2014

The Art of Handling Excuses

It's crazy, but one person's excuse for not building the business will often be the same as another person's reason for building it. It's how a person chooses to use those reasons that either moves them forward or holds them back. The following list are typical examples:

No. 1: "My wife won't let me!" It takes a real mini-mouse to say this, but you will hear it occasionally none-the-less. What I find fascinating is that I have yet to hear a wife say, "My husband won't let me." Another person might just build the business out of spite, or to prove that he can to the negative wife.

No. 2: "I don't have time!" The truth is that we all have all the time there is, 24 hours in a day. It's how we choose to use that time that counts. Another person might see the business as a way to create free time to do what they love. Build the business in cracks of time if you have to.

No. 3: "I don't have any money!" It doesn't necessarily take money to build the business. The sign up and training in some network marketing businesses are absolutely free. You can earn as you learn. It does take time and effort, however. Most people do the business because they want more money!

No. 4: "My company won't let me have a side business." Your free time should be your own time. Another person might build the business for that very reason!

No. 5: "I'm busy!" Aren't we all? Each of us fills our day with 24 hours of things to do. What is important is which things do you choose to do, and will those things get you where you want to go? Actually, it's the really busy person who will tend to build a network marketing business. People don't build the business because they have free time.

No. 6: "I can't because... " and what follows is a lie! A person will build the business if they decide to, and won't if they decide not to. It's just that simple.

No. 7: "I don't want to pester my friends with this." It's all in your perspective. Some of us view it as us throwing them a life preserver. It's their choice if they choose to use it or not.

No. 8: "I don't need this business." Good for you. Maybe you know someone who does.

No. 9: "I like my job." Great, good for you. You don't have to quit your job to do this business. It just gives you that option!

No. 10: "I can't because of my kids!" Maybe that is the reason you should build the business in the first place.

You get the idea. You are going to hear lots of these as you build your network marketing business. Learn how to turn them around, or simply move on to the next person.